At this point I've been up for 38 straight hours, so please forgive any incoherent ramblings or typos. I've just concluded my first day of my study abroad trip, and it feels like yesterday was ten years ago. The flight over was an absolute disaster. Picture this:
For the entire nine hour flight. Two of those wonderful little devils were sitting directly in front of me, and literally screamed the ENTIRE flight. Just my luck I suppose. And to make matters worse, my in-flight video unit didn't work. Oh yeah, and somehow my ipod how completely ran out of batteries before the flight. Good times. But back to London. I feel like we've already walked the entire city on foot. We set out from our dorms at the John Dodgson House once we had all met up from the airport and made our way on foot over to the mobile phone store to pick up our phones. Along the way, we saw some cool buildings:

We stopped by Trafalgar Square and had dinner.

And icecream:

I just got back from dinner and I'm feeling extremely tired, so I'll continue this later.
I'm annoyed just 'thinking' about screaming kids. I'm surprised you were able to function after that fiasco. One aren't having to live with those kids every day!